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Support the work of the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute and help build a movement for a more just foreign policy.




help us build a hub of critical canadian foreign policy analysis & action

Dear Internationalist,

We need your support to continue - and expand - the work of the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute (CFPI).

Since launching less than two years ago, the CFPI has contributed significantly to upending Canada’s foreign policy myths and helping to build a movement for a more just policy.

Going forward CFPI will respond strategically to developments in Canadian foreign policy. CFPI plans to expand its promotion of activist events on international affairs. A central aim of CFPI is to institutionalize critical foreign policy activism and amplify the work of antiwar, mining justice and international solidarity organizations.

It is important to see ourselves as part of a collective humanity. As anthropogenic global warming and the COVID-19 pandemic highlight, we are one world now more than ever before.

But, this work takes time and money.

In order to keep doing this work, we need a community of donors and sustainers. Please consider supporting the CFPI by making a one time donation or becoming a monthly sustainer.

Thank you for your support.

Bianca Mugyenyi
Director, Canadian Foreign Policy Institute