Venezuelan Foreign minister Jorge arreaza on canada’s interference in venezuela
Join us for an historic event with Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza
*With special guest Roger Waters, co-founder of Pink Floyd.
The Foreign Minister of a country of 30 million that has had diplomatic relations with Canada for seven decades will present on Ottawa's efforts to overthrow his government in a talk entitled "Canadian Interference in Venezuela."
Nearly two years ago, the Trudeau government threw their wholehearted support behind a US-backed plan to declare an opposition politician, Juan Guiadó, “Interim President” of Venezuela.
Since then, the Trump administration has orchestrated numerous coup attempts and appealed for an army mutiny against Nicolás Maduro. It has also adopted extreme unilateral coercive economic measures against the country. The Canadian government has sanctioned Venezuelan officials and built up an oppositional international coalition.
Trump and Trudeau’s sanctions and efforts to stoke a revolt are having an ever-greater impact on ordinary Venezuelans livelihood and ability to feed themselves. At the same time, Guaidó’s chances of taking power are slimmer today than at any point since he claimed the presidency. Still, Trudeau supports Washington’s regime change efforts.
Is there a limit to what the Liberals will support?
Join an online forum with Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza direct from Caracas to discuss these matters and hear the Venezuelan government's side of the story.
The event is organized by the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute and co-sponsored by Common Frontiers and Canadian Latin America Alliance
Media Sponsor: Canadian Dimension
Supported by: The Canada Files, Ottawa Peace Council, The Canadian Network on Cuba, Table de concertation de solidarité Québec-Cuba, The Louis Riel Bolivarian Circle, Socialist Action, The Fire This Time movement for Social Justice - Venezuela Solidarity Campaign, ALBA Canada-Ottawa, ILPS Ottawa, Anti-imperialist Alliance, Hands off Latin America - Saskatoon, Frente Hugo Chávez para la Defensa de los Pueblos - Vancouver, Regina Peace Council, Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War